Source code for wft4galaxy.wrapper

from __future__ import print_function
from future.utils import iteritems as _iteritems

import os as _os
import sys as _sys
import uuid as _uuid
import json as _json
import operator as _operator
import collections as _collections

from bioblend import ConnectionError
# from ruamel.yaml import round_trip_dump as _round_trip_dump
#from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap as _CommentedMap
from .common import DynamicObject as _CommentedMap

# BioBlend dependecies
from import ToolClient as _ToolClient

# wft4galaxy dependencies
import wft4galaxy.common as _common

# set logger
from wft4galaxy.common import TestConfigError

_logger = _common.LoggerManager.get_logger(__name__)

# Default folder where tool configuration is downloaded

[docs]class Workflow(object): """ Display workflow information which are relevant to configure a workflow test. """ def __init__(self, definition, inputs, params, outputs): self.definition = definition self.inputs = inputs self.params = params self.outputs = outputs self._logger = _common.LoggerManager.get_logger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def show_inputs(self, stream=_sys.stdout): """ Print workflow inputs to file. """ max_chars = max([len(x["name"]) for x in self.inputs]) for i in self.inputs: print("- ", i["name"].ljust(max_chars), (" # " + i["description"] if len(i["description"]) > 0 else ""), file=stream)
[docs] def show_params(self, stream=_sys.stdout): """ Print parameters needed by workflow tools to file. """ # print(_round_trip_dump(self.params), file=stream) print(_json.dumps(self.params, indent=4), file=stream)
[docs] def show_outputs(self, stream=_sys.stdout): """ Print workflow outputs (indexed by workflow step) to file. """ for step_id, step_outputs in _iteritems(self.outputs): print( "'{0}': {1}".format(step_id, ", ".join([x["label"] for x in step_outputs.values()])), file=stream)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename, galaxy_url=None, galaxy_api_key=None, tools_folder=DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER): """ Return the :class:`Workflow` instance related to the workflow defined in ``filename`` :type filename: str :param filename: the path of the ``.ga`` workflow definition :type galaxy_url: str :param galaxy_url: url of your Galaxy server instance. :type galaxy_api_key: str :param galaxy_api_key: an API key from your Galaxy server instance. :type tools_folder: str :param tools_folder: optional temp folder where tool definitions are downloaded (``.tools`` by default) :rtype: :class:`Workflow` :return: the :class:`Workflow` instance related to the workflow defined in ``filename`` """ return get_workflow_info(filename=filename, tools_folder=tools_folder, galaxy_url=galaxy_url, galaxy_api_key=galaxy_api_key)
def get_workflow_info(filename, tools_folder=DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER, galaxy_url=None, galaxy_api_key=None): definition, inputs, params, expected_outputs = _get_workflow_info(filename=filename, tool_folder=tools_folder, galaxy_url=galaxy_url, galaxy_api_key=galaxy_api_key) return Workflow(definition, inputs, params, expected_outputs) def _get_workflow_info(filename, galaxy_url, galaxy_api_key, tool_folder=DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER): inputs = [] params = _CommentedMap() outputs = {} # loading wf info start _logger.debug("Loading workflow definition from %s file...", filename) # setup galaxy instance galaxy_instance = _common.get_galaxy_instance(galaxy_url, galaxy_api_key) galaxy_tool_client = _ToolClient( # get the non-object version of the GI if not _os.path.exists(DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER): _os.makedirs(DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER) with open(filename) as fp: wf_config = _json.load(fp) for sid, step in _iteritems(wf_config["steps"]): # tool = _logger.debug("Processing step '%s' -- '%s'", sid, step["name"]) # an input step.... if not step["tool_id"] and step["type"] == "data_input": for input_ in step["inputs"]: _logger.debug("Processing input: '%s' (%s)", input_["name"], input_["description"]) inputs.append(input_) # a processing step (with outputs) ... if step["tool_id"] and step["type"] == "tool": # tool parameters tool_params = _CommentedMap() # process tool info to extract parameters tool_id = step["tool_id"] # tool = ## LP: re-write this using the bioblend.objects API to fetch the tool # inputs. See the comment above `def _process_tool_param_element` # tool_config_xml = _os.path.basename(tool.wrapped["config_file"]) # _logger.debug("Processing step tool '%s'", tool_id) # # try: # _logger.debug("Download TOOL '%s' definition file XML: %s....", tool_id, tool_config_xml) # targz_filename = _os.path.join(DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER, tool_id + ".tar.gz") # targz_content = galaxy_tool_client._get(_os.path.join(tool_id, "download"), json=False) # if targz_content.status_code == 200: # with open(targz_filename, "w") as tfp: # tfp.write(targz_content.content) # tar = # tar.extractall(path=tool_folder) # tar.close() # _os.remove(targz_filename) # _logger.debug("Download TOOL '%s' definition file XML: %s....: DONE", tool_id, tool_config_xml) # else: # _logger.debug("Download TOOL '%s' definition file XML: %s....: ERROR %r", # tool_id, tool_config_xml, targz_content.status_code) # # tool_config_xml = _os.path.join(DEFAULT_TOOLS_FOLDER, tool_config_xml) # if _os.path.exists(tool_config_xml): # tree = _etree.parse(tool_config_xml) # root = tree.getroot() # inputs_el = root.find("inputs") # for input_el in inputs_el: # _process_tool_param_element(input_el, tool_params) # if len(tool_params) > 0: # params.insert(int(sid), sid, tool_params) # # except _StandardError as e: # _logger.debug("Download TOOL '%s' definition file XML: %s....: ERROR", tool_id, tool_config_xml) # _logger.error(e) # process outputs[str(sid)] = {} for output in step["workflow_outputs"]: outputs[str(sid)][output["uuid"]] = output # loading wf info end _logger.debug("Workflow definition loaded from %s file...", filename) # return loaded info return wf_config, inputs, params, outputs # XXX: TODO # This can be replaced by using the object oriented bioblend API to fetch # the tool inputs directly through the API. # # Try something like: # t ="ChangeCase", io_details=True) # The process t.wrapped['inputs'] to get this information. # def _process_tool_param_element(input_el, tool_params): """ Parameter types: 1) text X 2) integer and float X 3) boolean X 4) data X (no default option) 5) select ~ (not with OPTIONS) 6) data_column X (uses the default_value attribute) 7) data_collection X (no default option) 8) drill_down X (no default option) 9) color X Tag <OPTION> is allowed for the following types: 1) select X Tag <OPTIONS> is allowed for the following types of PARAM: 1) select 2) data ... options can be extracted by : a) from_data_table b) from dataset c) from_file d) from_parameter e) filter :param input_el: an XML param element :param tool_params: a CommentMap instance :return: """ input_el_type = input_el.get("type") if (input_el.tag == "param" or input_el.tag == "option") \ and input_el.get("type") != "data": if input_el_type in ["text", "data", "data_collection", "drill_down"]: tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), "", comment=input_el.get("label")) elif input_el_type in ["integer", "float", "color"]: tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), input_el.get("value"), comment=input_el.get("label")) elif input_el_type in ["data_column"]: tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), input_el.get("default_value"), comment=input_el.get("label")) elif input_el_type == "boolean": input_el_value = input_el.get("truevalue", "true") \ if input_el.get("checked") else input_el.get("falsevalue", "false") tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), input_el_value, comment=input_el.get("label")) elif input_el_type == "select": selected_option_el = input_el.find("option[@selected]") selected_option_el = selected_option_el \ if selected_option_el is not None \ else input_el.getchildren()[0] if len(input_el.getchildren()) > 0 else None if selected_option_el is not None: tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), selected_option_el.get("value"), comment=input_el.get("label")) elif input_el.tag == "conditional": conditional_options = _CommentedMap() for conditional_param in input_el.findall("param"): _process_tool_param_element(conditional_param, conditional_options) tool_params.insert(len(tool_params), input_el.get("name"), conditional_options, comment=input_el.get("label")) for when_el in input_el.findall("when"): when_options = _CommentedMap() for when_option in when_el.findall("param"): _process_tool_param_element(when_option, when_options) if len(when_options) > 0: conditional_options.insert(len(conditional_options), when_el.get("value"), when_options)
[docs]class History(object): def __init__(self, history_id, galaxy_url=None, galaxy_api_key=None): super(History, self).__init__() # configure logger self._logger = _common.LoggerManager.get_logger(self) # set the Galaxy instance self._gi = _common.get_galaxy_instance(galaxy_url, galaxy_api_key) # set wrapped history"Loading history %s info", history_id) self._history = self._gi.histories.get(history_id) # job info self.job_tool = {} self.creating_jobs = {} # datasets self.datasets = None self.input_datasets = _collections.OrderedDict() self.output_datasets = _collections.OrderedDict() self.intermediate_datasets = _collections.OrderedDict() # map dataset inputs to their order self._input_order_map = {} # job info self._jobs = {} self.job_input_ids = {} self.job_output_ids = {} self.creating_jobs = {} self.processing_jobs = _collections.OrderedDict() self.processing_job_levels = {} # tool cache self._tools = {} # labels self.input_dataset_labels = {} self.output_dataset_labels = {} self.intermediate_dataset_labels = {} # process history"Processing history info...") self._process_history()"History info processing: done") @property def jobs(self): return self._jobs def _get_job(self, job_id): if job_id not in self._jobs: try: self._logger.debug("Loading job %s info...", job_id) self._jobs[job_id] =, full_details=True) self._logger.debug("Loading job %s info: done", job_id) except ConnectionError as e: raise TestConfigError("Unable to retrieve job info !") return self._jobs[job_id] @property def tools(self): return self._tools def _get_tool(self, tool_id): if not tool_id in self._tools: try: self._logger.debug("Loading tool %s info...", tool_id) self._tools[tool_id] =, io_details=True) self._logger.debug("Loading tool %s info: done", tool_id) except ConnectionError as e: raise TestConfigError("Unable to retrieve tool info !") return self._tools[tool_id] def _process_history(self): # check if a history has been assigned if self._history is None: raise RuntimeError("No history found!") # auxiliary infos ds_input_info = {} ds_output_info = {} intermediate_datasets = [] # get history datasets history = self._history self.datasets = history.get_datasets() # process jobs chain (through their created datasets) for ds in self.datasets:"Processing dataset %s ... ", # load job info creating_job = self._get_job(ds.wrapped["creating_job"]) job_inputs = {in_info["id"]: in_name for in_name, in_info in _iteritems(creating_job.wrapped["inputs"])} job_outputs = {out_info["id"]: out_name for out_name, out_info in _iteritems(creating_job.wrapped["outputs"])} intermediate_datasets += list(job_inputs) # update auxiliary data info for in_id, in_name in _iteritems(job_inputs): if in_id not in ds_input_info: ds_input_info[in_id] = {} ds_input_info[in_id][] = in_name for out_id, out_name in _iteritems(job_outputs): if out_id not in ds_output_info: ds_output_info[out_id] = {} ds_output_info[out_id][] = out_name # register the job as the creating of this DS self.creating_jobs[] = creating_job # detect if the job creates an input DS # or it is a processing job if len(job_inputs) == 0: self.input_datasets[] = ds else: # add the processing job self.processing_jobs[] = creating_job # compute the processing job level self.processing_jobs[] # update in/out maps if not in self.job_input_ids: self.job_input_ids[] = list(job_inputs) self.job_output_ids[] = list(job_outputs)"Process dataset %s: done ","Processing extra info...") # Auxiliary function which computes the label for a given dataset def __set_label(labels, ds_id, info_matrix, label=None, prefix=None): if label is not None: labels[ds_id] = label elif ds_id in info_matrix and len(info_matrix[ds_id]) == 1: # use job labels[ds_id] = info_matrix[ds_id][list(info_matrix[ds_id])[0]] else: # use a default label if the same dataset if used by more than one job labels[ds_id] = "{0}_{1}".format(prefix, len(labels)) # process datasets to: # - determine intermediate and output datasets # - determine input/output labels for ds in self.datasets: if in self.input_datasets: __set_label(self.input_dataset_labels,, ds_input_info, prefix="input") __set_label(self.intermediate_dataset_labels,, ds_input_info, label="output") else: if in intermediate_datasets: self.intermediate_datasets[] = ds __set_label(self.input_dataset_labels,, ds_input_info, prefix="input") __set_label(self.intermediate_dataset_labels,, ds_output_info, prefix="output") else: self.output_datasets[] = ds __set_label(self.output_dataset_labels,, ds_output_info, prefix="output") intermediate_inputs = [] not_ordered_inputs = list(self.input_datasets) input_datasets = _collections.OrderedDict() inputs = list(self.input_datasets) self._input_order_map = {x: inputs.index(x) for x in inputs} # determine the job level self._logger.debug("Processing JOB levels ...") for job_id, job in _iteritems(self.processing_jobs): # compute and set the job level self.processing_job_levels[job_id] = self.compute_processing_job_level(job_id) # order inputs tool = self._get_tool(job.wrapped["tool_id"]) ordered_names = [x["name"] for x in tool.wrapped["inputs"]] for name in ordered_names: if name in job.wrapped["inputs"]: in_id = job.wrapped["inputs"][name]["id"] if in_id in not_ordered_inputs: input_datasets[in_id] = self.input_datasets[in_id] if in_id not in self.input_datasets: self._input_order_map[in_id] = len(self.input_datasets) + self.processing_job_levels[job_id] not_ordered_inputs.remove(in_id) # add intermediate inputs for x in job.wrapped["outputs"].values(): if x["id"] not in self.output_datasets: intermediate_inputs.append(x["id"]) if x["id"] not in self.input_datasets: self._input_order_map[x["id"]] = len(self.input_datasets) + self.processing_job_levels[job_id] self._logger.debug("JOB levels processing: done") # copy remaining inputs for ds_in in not_ordered_inputs: input_datasets[ds_in] = self.input_datasets[ds_in] self.input_datasets = input_datasets"Processing extra info: done") def compute_processing_job_level(self, job_id): level = 0 for job in self.processing_jobs.values(): if == job_id: break dependencies = [x for x in self.job_output_ids[] if x in self.job_input_ids[job_id]] if len(dependencies) > 0: level = max(level, self.processing_job_levels[] + 1) return level def extract_workflow(self, filename=None, workflow_name=None, v_step=100, h_step=400): if workflow_name is None: workflow_name = "Workflow extracted from history {0}".format( # start"Extracting Workflow from history...") # wf object representation wf = _collections.OrderedDict({ "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", "annotation": "", "format-version": "0.1", "name": workflow_name, "uuid": str(_uuid.uuid1()), "steps": _collections.OrderedDict() }) # position p_left = 50 p_top = 0 # process steps inputs = {k: v for k, v in _iteritems(self._input_order_map) if k in self.input_datasets} for hds_id, index in sorted(_iteritems(inputs), key=_operator.itemgetter(1)): input_name = self.input_dataset_labels[hds_id] input_description = "" p_top += v_step wf["steps"][str(index)] = { "annotation": "", "content_id": None, "id": index, "input_connections": {}, "inputs": [ { "description": input_description, "name": input_name } ], "label": None, "name": "Input dataset", "outputs": [], "position": { "left": p_left, "top": p_top }, "tool_errors": None, "tool_id": None, "tool_state": _json.dumps({"name": input_name}), "tool_version": None, "type": "data_input", "uuid": str(_uuid.uuid1()), "workflow_outputs": [] } # reset top position p_top = p_top - (v_step * (len(self.input_datasets) / 2)) # process intermediate and final steps for job_id, job in _iteritems(self.processing_jobs): # update top position p_left += h_step # compute the step index index = len(wf["steps"]) # get the tool related to the current job tool = self._get_tool(job.wrapped["tool_id"]) # compute params params = {"__page__": 0, "__rerun_remap_job_id__": None} tool_inputs = {param["name"]: param for param in tool.wrapped["inputs"]} for param_name, param_info in _iteritems(job.wrapped["params"]): if param_name in tool_inputs: params[param_name] = param_info # add inputs to tool state and inputs inputs = [] input_connections = {} for job_input_name, job_input_info in _iteritems(job.wrapped["inputs"]): params[job_input_name] = _json.dumps({"__class__": "RuntimeValue"}) inputs.append({ "description": "Runtime input value {0}".format(job_input_name), "name": job_input_name }) output_name = self.intermediate_dataset_labels[job_input_info["id"]] \ if job_input_info["id"] in self.intermediate_dataset_labels else "output" input_connections[job_input_name] = { "id": self._input_order_map[job_input_info["id"]], "output_name": output_name } # add outputs outputs = [] workflow_outputs = [] tool_outputs = {param["name"]: param for param in tool.wrapped["outputs"]} for job_output_name, job_output_info in _iteritems(job.wrapped["outputs"]): outputs.append({ "name": job_output_name, "type": tool_outputs[job_output_name]["format"] }) # TODO: check if exists cryteria for detecting if an output # is a workflow output or a simple intermediate output workflow_outputs.append({ "label": job_output_name, "output_name": job_output_name, "uuid": str(_uuid.uuid1()) }) wf["steps"][str(index)] = { "annotation": "", "content_id":, "id": index, "input_connections": input_connections, "inputs": inputs, "label": None, "name":, "outputs": outputs, "position": { "left": p_left, "top": p_top }, "tool_errors": None, "tool_id":, "tool_state": _json.dumps(params), "tool_version": tool.version, "type": "tool", "uuid": str(_uuid.uuid1()), "workflow_outputs": workflow_outputs } # save workflow if filename is not None:"Saving workflow to file...") with open(filename, "w") as fp: self._logger.debug("Workflow file path: %s", filename) _json.dump(wf, fp, indent=4)"Saving workflow to file: done") # extraction wf end"Extracting Workflow from history: done") return wf